Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hanya Tuhan Yang Maha Mengetahui.....

  • Ini adalah satu posting yang melancholic.........

  • Went home last nite with a huge kerapah on my mind and on almost dead body. Before I left for home, I decided that I want to go watch a movie with a certain person - just for the heck of it. I am no movie person - I don't have that kind of attention for visual images but I can read throughout the days and nights - non-stop. I am a reading person - I also used to be a shopping person until I went to New Zealand and came back with a new perspective on the definition of shopping. Plus the fact that I am a "miskin" person now. Soon, I will jatuh ke tahap "daif". Mayhaps, it is not the new perspective after all - its the miskin thingy :)

  • Anyway, when I reached home, I was so bloody tired and plonked onto the sofa and went to the la la land without even realizing it. But again, since when do we realize that we have been transported to the la la land? We just go..............When I woke it, it was already Maghrib and then I consulted a certain person if that person would like to go to the movie and that person said can't as already planned to meet with someone . Neber mind, I said - I go alone. Called another friend and asked him if he is at home as am going to this coffee joint in front of his apartment and he can join me but he said that a friend just came and going off to dinner. "Lain kali, ko cakap la awal2...ko ingat aku concierge ke dok terpacak kat rumah je tak pi mana2....ha ha ha......." Got ready, all dressed up and suddenly rasa penat gila and tak larat nak drive. So changed back to my loyal tshirt and sat at the balcony feeling so "what-the-hell-is-happening-to once-a wonderful-life". Why am I being tested time and again with shits, craps and idiots? (Ohhhh...for the record, yesterday was on of the most shitty day whereby you were told that you were not doing your job effectively and you should not do this and that and all the shits that come with it. I don't want this bloody "job" to begin withhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! uwargghhhhhhh...)

  • Wanted to speak to someone but I donno who as I don't even know what to say anymore.....felt more shitty and crappy and all the works......But God works in a strange mobile rang and a familiar name appeared (kalo tak familiar, ko tak dak la dalam list phone wa! mengong! mengong!) My favourite ex-student! Yippeeeeee.....we joked and lawak bodo and spoke serious issues and exchanged perspectives on life and its wonders and all......She even said "can I call you by other name like Datuk Paduka?" ha ha ha and we laughed like mad......(jangan lupo.....nama eden ado Datuk Paduka kat dopan...ehhh...bila kome nak panggil eden datuk paduko.....wakakakakkakakak....)

  • An hour of laughter make me feel better and ready to conquer more shits and kill more idiots.......whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....................

  • In the final analysis, hanya Tuhan yang Maha Mengetahui............Thank you God for the good life and awesome people......and also thank you for idiots and morons for they make me feel brilliant and cultured and awesome and on top of the world!!!!!!!!!! Yahooooooooooooooooooooo

1 comment:

AUNTIDA said...

hey, why you talk about good people? dis is blog to kutuk idiot what....? me want to hear kutuk. me got kutuk idea also but me will do it later.