- TODAY marks 3 years of Tok Lebaq's departure. May Tok be at the best place ever and looking after all of us and pray for all us to be at the same place with her when the time arrives. Amen.
- Not a day I go by without thinking of her. How could I - her rantai besaq is with me...neber mind other stuff.....HA HA HA.....
- It has been the longest 3 years for me. I rarely go back to Paris now because it is so sad to go back to an empty house whereby once used to be the most loving place for me. So sedih to look at her empty deserted katil and room, her berabuk dresser, her last baju that she wore to the clinic which still hanging neatly in Azmarol's closet, her favourite pinggan and gelas, her favourite chair, her favourite baring place, her everything. The house is her. Every bit of corner and space. I can still visualize what she used to do, how she did it and how much she loved the house.
- "Ngah, bila Tok mati nanti Ngah kena jaga rumah kita baik2. Kena cuci semua dinding2 ni. Malu kita kalau rumah kita kotoq. Jangan biarkan pokok2 naik atas pagaq. Ngah balik dok rumah kita ni,"
- "Ya Tok. Tok jangan bimbang...Tok tak mati lagi...lambat lagi...."
- Tok Su takes care of the house now, in a way. We hire people to clean it up once in a while. Automatic lights are always on whenever darkeness set it. So, the house does not look dark and empty. Tok would not like it. She is so full of life and so much alive and vibrant. Tok is so colourful. Why should her house be left in the dark then.....
- Whenever I think of Tok, I will think of a strong and highly motivated woman who sailed thru life with dignity and full of energy. I always try to be like her and I want to be like her.
- Tok always visit me whenever I am down with life challenges. I know that for a fact.
- She may be gone physically but she is never gone to me. She stays with me - in my heart. mind and soul - every single day of my life. You don't know what love means unless you are loved by a grandmother. That's love for me. May Tok rest in peace bersama-sama ornag yang beriman, sentiasa, Insyallah. Amen.
Alfatihah for Tok Lebaq .... Wa can imagine (not see) her smilling face ...
apa sudah jadi dengan pokok petai ku??? masih hidup kah????
In a lighter note... harap lu tak nampak Tok Lebaq goreng kopi sudahlahhhhhhhhhh :)
pokok potai mu masih hidup dengan jayanya cuma kurus kerempeng je...tak macam tuan nya...wakakakakak
ishkk....tok lebaq mana goreng kopi..tok lebaq pegang cokmar sambil beri khutmah takala noya melepaskan angin pus-pus...ha ha ha
tak pa.. worse case scenario, memandangkan mungkin tak leh boh porta-cabin atas tanah tuan gabenor, kot dia nak juai tanah.. hehhee.. wa boleh jadi pak guard bila tiba masa wa dah tak bergigi nanti...
Wa pung sedih baca lu sedih mengenang tok lebaq. Wa pung masih mengenang tok wa.. kasih sayang seorang tok memang special.
Wa tak de Tok ...sebab Tok Wa dah tak de masa wa kecik (4 years old)
So kira tumpang Tok Lebaq and Tok Su ajelahhh
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