- I used to be Ms.RM26.10 but now I have been reduced to Ms.RM7.06.
- Mari dengar cerita yang paling menyentuh hati untuk suku pertama tahun ini. Setelah hampir satu bulan saya merana hidup berduka lara tidur tidak lena dan makan caca merba sambil menggigau masuk penjara, maka pada hari ini saya diistiharkan sudah "fit to lead a normal life" (of course we need to define what "normal" constitutes but we don't want to get into that as this bipolar and dualism can get us into real detail once we start the debate so neber mind...we shall deal with that the next time "when" an idiot or some idiot elements jump in......)
- Saya memohon untuk membuat pinjaman peribadi atas sebab2 yang amat peribadi walaupun ramai kekawang sudah tahu sebab peribadi itu memandangkan kekawang saya sangat peribadi kepada saya (God, please not make my mom ask for the passbook. Amen....:)
- Bagaimanapun, permohonan saya ditolak oleh sebuah bank atas alasan "credit problem"! WHAT?WHAT?I HAVE SOME CREDIT PROBLEM AND I DONT EVEN KNOW ABBOURRTTIT???? Bloody hell!(allowed to curse in this blog cause kids are not allowed in - no elements of discrimination here but some stuff are best left to matured people.....errrrr......) The stupid bank can't tell which financial institution claimed that. Only the stupid system stated so. Stupid bank. Who created the system? An alien from Jupiter and can't be contacted because you don't have roaming service? Big idiot number ONE! And that stupid bank did not even inform me to check with Bank Negara for my credit status. No wonder your bank is so terperosok and nobody wants to do business with you!!!
- Suddenly I remembered one bitter episode with one bank over my credit card that I terminated before leaving for NZ. When I came back, I received a letter stating that I owed them some RM160 over donno what. Reluctantly, I paid (more than the due amount) as they said that I will be blacklisted if not doing so. I paid, with my pseudo-lawyer letter, stated that if they do not delist me, I will take legal action against them. They did not reply so I assumed that done deal. So, when this crap appeared, I called the credit manager and she bloody told me that I still owe them RM26.10 for some stupid legal fees which I do not understand for the life of me!!! And I said "Why didn't someone write to me and tell me so?" to which she had no answer.. ..manager some more...Ohh..I forgot that they put idiots as managers, where else would they put it right????? So I quickly went to deposit the money (of course more than the amount due which I definitely tidak halalkan for the obvious reason...yahoooooooooooooo) and asked that idiot to faxs me the release letter which she did.
- Then, I went to that bank and applied for the loan just to test the theory of me having bad credit. Yahooooooo- rejected again due to "SPECIAL ATTENTION' status on my name. I went gilaness. What crap is this. I have enough crap at the opis la....Already got that release letter from your lame bank what.....No, that's not that. "You owe 3 months of housing loan securites" so said the idiot from that lame bank now BIG IDIOT NUMBER TWO. I was shocked! Went to my housing loan bank and was told of no such issue and they even wrote a letter to that bank to state my "clean credit status".
- Went again to BIG IDIOT NUMBER TWO with the letter and was told that was not the case. Wrongly stated. Che Bi tahap dewata tak? Still under 'SPECIAL ATTENTION" and was asked to go to Bank Negara to check my status. Well, at least they gave suggestion to me. OK - less 1cm as an idiot.
- Hit on the road and went to Bank Negara branch and was told that "kami tak boleh check kat sini serta merta. Hanya di HQ yang boleh. Kalau kat sini kena isi borang dan akan mengambil masa 3 minggu". Why the hell do you have cawangan for idiot if not untuk menyenangkan pelanggan? Obviously not.......obviously not......Wa mau naik atas kaunter lompat2 pung ada polis bodo sedang nganga tepi pintu.......
- Finally today, managed to go to Bank Negara besaq and asked for my credit status. Was given the statement and the culprit that gave me a month of living hell. What the ()**(&^%%$$*&*)_)_+???? I have paid all the StanChart credit card and why am I being listed under special attention??? Of course I want special attention la but from boyfrengs and tokfrengs not Bank Negara, idiot!!!!
- Fetched my brother and we went to StanChart branch at Kota Damansara yang selalu "tak dak orang" so said him. True enough. We were greeted by a very friendly staff who asked us to sit down while she look into my account. When I saw "amount due RM7.06" on the screen, I screamed my lung out and that woman sudah takut and my brother also almost lari keluaq............I was fuming with madness and nasib baik urat tengkuk tidak putus or any of the vein meletup. Swear to God I was bloody mad beyond words. The staff calmed me down and wanted to go get drinks for me. RM7.06? RM7.06? RM7.06? RM7.06? She quickly filled in the form and said it will be send to the HQ as they can't do at the branch and promised me it will be cleared within a month and the release letter will be mailed to me ASAP. It better be!!!!!!
- You know the feeling of waiting for your GRE's exam result and TOEFL exam result and application to do your Masters and PhD at your chosen university? That was the exact feeling that I went thru over the last one month. I wanted so much to know that everytime I think about it, my heart beat a skip. Thank God it did not stop alltogether.
- And now, my heart beat harder as I am anxious to write a real nasty letter to Stanchart, the Press and the Finance Minstry over the stupid credit system of balcklisting people. Kalo wa hutang RM2 juta tak pa la lu mau blacklist wa but for RM7.06? Ko orang memang THE BIGGEST IDIOT!!!!!!!! - With due respect to sedara mara, kekawang and sedara mara kekawang yang kerja di financial institutions. Wa akan tunggu surat release dahulu sebelum wa tulis itu nasty letter.
- And BIG THANK YOU to Chor yang meminta bantuan her jet setter sister, NA yang bersungguh-sungguh mencuba membantu wa dengan memberi laluan untuk berurusan. Appreciate that very much.
Hahahaha. Kalau wa ada kat situ, harus manager tu jadi arwah dan wa akan dikenali sbg pompuan on deathrow for tujuh inggit nam kupang. Baik wa jadi mona fandi, ada paedah gak coz boleh pass around biznes card yg soo creative.
Wa mau poke lu sket lagi: your heart 'skip a beat' la sudin, bukan 'beat a skip'. kakakaka.
Gue teringat.. cerita farid about one of her friend, bila satu india potong queue kat counter dia pi naik atas counter and jerittttt hoiiiiii sapa nak tengok orang bodoh! and tunjukkan kat kelly ng tu.... panjang citenya tapi wa sudah lupa ..
anyway please write the nasty letter .. wa behind u 100%
auntida, wa memang saja mau letak beat a skip...mau tengok kome skip tak baca entry ni...wakakakakakk...lebih kurang adek beradek "kemetot" and "seputik se what tu..." le.... :)
Shills, kalo wa gi seorang dah sah le wa lompat2 naik meja tapi sebab dengan adek beradek, kena lah jaga tahap kehormatan mereka....:)..kalo ngan lu, dah sah wa buek!!!! jangan risau, nasty letter OTW......nanti lu tolong edit and kasi garam cuka dan petrol secukup rasa......:)
itu pseudo lawyer punya fees tatak bayar ....nanti dia saman lu...masuk orange list. wakakaaa
Memang dunia bank (dan lain lain bahagiang pun) GILA GILA GILA... hahaha.. wa saja nak tambah lagi api yang membara.. kalu lu pi ngan Ida hari tu, harus standedcatet tutup seminggu.. mana boleh lawan combination dua pompuan nih.. tapi kalu aku yg pi, harus tak jadi apa lagi.. hehehe..
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